Laguera Construcciones S.A. de C.V. | Configuring a perfect editor for frontend development DEV Community
Configuring a perfect editor for frontend development DEV Community
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Configuring a perfect editor for frontend development DEV Community

Configuring a perfect editor for frontend development DEV Community

I’m aware that I just need to get my head around registers in Vim. I hope this can be removed from my plugins shortly once I get the hang of that; at present it’s a useful crutch. In the past, the code completion in Vim didn’t quite work and I remember a bunch of faff getting it to work as I would expect (coming from Sublime). I also use FZF as the manner I navigate buffers (think of buffers as tabs in standard editor parlance). I have -b mapped to open a the FZF drawer with my buffers listed. Once unpublished, all posts by konstantin will become hidden and only accessible to themselves.

A window will open and show the installation process for each extension. After installation, you will have to restart Vim one more time to use the new extensions. You can add multiple extensions at once, just add multiple Plug as desired. There is a website that catalogs these plugins for easy discovery, if you want to visit.

Plugins configuration

This article is simply an introduction to a powerful terminal tool that you might consider adding to your kit. Visuals are often lacking when learning command-line tools like Git. I use other settings that I haven’t detailed in this article, as they are not important for most cases. I’m providing the link to my dotfiles repository for you to check at the end of this article if you want. There are several ways to managed vim plugins, but I’ve been using vim-plug, and it suites my needs just fine. One feature that I learned about recently is that you can type D after you PlugUpdate and it’ll show a detailed list of commits that were included in each plugin update.

vim for FrontEnd Development

CSS Diner is great for CSS beginners or those not familiar with advanced CSS selectors. This game allows you to use real CSS selectors on food items with a helpful HTML viewer so you can see the relationship between the graphics and the code. Whatever you want to learn from CSS to SQL, this categorized list should have you covered. Scroll down for a general overview or skip the table of contents. Check out the which-key menu and keymappings.lua for most used maps. It’s highly probable this software program is malicious or contains unwanted bundled software.

Getting around, opening files etc

Probably is how you’ve configured it, I’ve been using ALE for a while for React development and it works fine, no complains. There are some good tips in this article… In fairness, I am unfamiliar with Magento, but if you’re referring to the php e-commerce platform, I’d say that there are several things I’d look at in your position.

vim for FrontEnd Development

I write TypeScript/JavaScript on a daily basis, and I know how stark the difference is between Vim and an editor like VSCode out of the box. There are many features available in modern editors that take time, expertise, and/or plugins to achieve in Vim. There are plenty of other interactive learning tools available, and I’m sure many of you have come across some that you’ve found useful. Feel free to post your favorites in the comments below. RegexOne uses a series of about 25 interactive exercises and problems to teach regular expression syntax.

Is vim suitable for frontend development?

One of the biggest challenges with modern development in Vim is setting up intellisense code completion. Most modern editors like Visual Studio Code come with intellisense engines built in, or easily available with a plugin (with minimal setup). I use vim like the serious devs but copy paste just like you in an app called MacVim. It is a program built for those serious devs who work on actual shells on a variety of computers.

I typically have a tmux session per project I’m working on and I have multiple windows per project. We don’t need additional configuration for using prettier along with vim. Just add .prettierrc file into your project, optionally add rules. By default, its use Leader + p to invoke prettier and format code; BTW default leader key is \.

Configuring a perfect editor for frontend development

I show off a few handy Neovim plugins that I
regularly use along with native LSP features that I’ve installed for JavaScript
and TypeScript development. For javascript it supports many checkers including closure compiler, eslint, flow, gjslint (Closure Linter), jscs, jshint, jsl, jslint, jsxhint, and standard. Among them I choose jshint as basic linter, since it’s fast, widely used (which means good community support), and not bothering that much like jslint. You may need a .jshintrc file under your project to make it recognizing es6 features or browserify.

vim for FrontEnd Development

Oh yeah, I guess there’s a clock mode, which switches a pane from a terminal to a nice little clock in the corner of your screen. What packages would you guys install to have a nice environment to code JavaScript in? OpenVim is an interactive tutorial that teaches you how to use Vim, the multi-platform text editor that’s popular among Unix users. If you want more Vim, you can also try, though that one is not free. SQL Police Department lets you learn SQL syntax by solving crimes.

Tim Pope (@tpope) has a vast amount of helpful and vim plugins that he has developed over the years. The LSP is what enables Neovim to have strong integration with your languages of choice. I use the typescript-language-server, which is an implementation for TypeScript wrapping tsserver. By default this config use npm-packets jshint and css-lint to check js and css files on the fly. Once unsuspended, 2nthony will be able to comment and publish posts again. It’s not just the obvious stuff like ‘yank’ being copy, ‘put’ being paste.

  • At this point, rather than un-learn the basic Vim-fu I had picked up, I decided to see out the month with Vim.
  • The simple reason why is that the front-end community isn’t as active on Vim as it is on other editors such as VS Code and Atom.
  • VIM tagalong allows you to change a tag in html and have the closing or opening tag reflect the change.
  • I have -b mapped to open a the FZF drawer with my buffers listed.
  • I rarely ever manually create sessions or windows because of this program.

To change plugin related settings use the specific plugins/[name].lua file. Some of the plugin config can be set up during plugin installation in config/plugins.lua file, where you can add new plugins. Text editors are useful wherever they’re needed and for coding massive batches of programming files, a pretty powerful one is necessary.

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